a trans-disciplinary scholar, Malaklou publishes in academic journals like Theory & Event, Rhizomes, Black Camera, National Political Science Review, Trans-Scripts, and the Journal of critical animal studies. Click on the icon above to learn more about her peer-reviewed publications.
“Rather than have access to time as a moving marker, which is to say, rather than have access to civilizational discourse, to a progress narrative, or to (his)story— even, to an alternative (his)story (or, to her-story)—the Black African is instead imagined in the canonical texts that define and respond EuroEnlightenment humanism as forever stuck in time, specifically, in the bush—in a time before (human) time.”
Malaklou, M.S. (2021). Reaching Backwards in Time: The Feltness of Unfreedom in an Antiblack World. Theory & Event 24(2), 598-604. doi:10.1353/tae.2021.0029.
other writings
Malaklou, M. S. (2016). On the Chronopolitics of Skin-ego: Antiblackness, Desire and Identification in Bravo TV's Shahs of Sunset. Rhizomes: Cultural Studies in Emerging Knowledge, (29), 1–1. https://doi.org/10.20415/rhiz/029.e14
Malaklou, M. S. (2018). 'Dilemmas' of Coalition and the Chronopolitics of Man: Towards an Insurgent Black Feminine Otherwise. Theory & Event, 21(1), 215–258.
Malaklou, M. S. (2021). Surviving the Ends of Man: On the animal and/as black gaze in Jordan Peele's Get Out and Us. Journal for Critical Animal Studies, 18(2), 70–99.
public scholarship
Malaklou is perhaps best known for her social media hashtag #therevolutionwillnotbehumanized and for her think pieces—on topics ranging from Beyoncé’s and Jay-z’s black femme(inism)s, to trayvon martin’s murder, to DAPL and its relationship to the movement for black life, to the sports-media complex’s exploitation of black flesh. In addition to publishing this work in The feminist wire, counterpunch, and (most recently) the conversationalist, malaklou elaborates these interventions as a guest correspondent on Always already: a critical theory podcast. Click on the image to learn more about her public scholarship.